
EMPI is a set of institutions, entities, spin offs, but above all an idea, a mission and a movement to create innovation for the future, today. Specifically its vision vectors include - 

  • Industry interaction
  • Theme Based Research Centres that focus on large 'issue based' action research
  • Internationalization 
  • Creation of Innovation clusters 


To create innovative, inter-discplinary, paradigms that transforms minds and impacts society. 

Institutional Strategic Goals

  • To develop a world class innovative centre of excellence that integrates Academia, Research, Consulting for not only Knowledge dissemination, but Knowledge creation
  • To become a resource centre for adapting the best practices of universities in advanced nations to developing country and emerging economy contexts
  • To become a global centre for the study of Innovation across sectors, themes and organizational contexts
  • To facilitate ‘Innovation in action’ within the institution and incubate ‘Entrepreneurial’ initiatives that will impact public policy and society
  • To apply, adapt and develop new technology based learning pedagogies that promote experiential learning through participative inquiry
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