Apr 5, 2011

1st Lecture of the Series - The Change Agents: Innovative Indian Organizations

1st Lecture of the Series - The Change Agents: Innovative Indian Organizations
Mr. Harpreet Duggal, Head, India Business for Genpact, delivered the 1st lecture of the series ‘The Change Agents: Innovative Indian Organizations’ on ‘Genpact’s success story of systematically tackling social, logistics and human resource issues that succeeded in introducing BPO services for the first time in India’. The session was chaired by Dr. Sourabh Srivastava, Chairman, Computer Associates India.

The lecture series presents Indian organizations that have brought about significant changes in various sectors of social and economic development by adopting innovative approaches in the design of strategies, organizational structures and methods of functioning that have enabled them to succeed. Innovative approaches those are different from conventional Technological Innovations. 

The lecture series invites awardees of the EMPI-Indian Express Indian Innovation Awards to talk about their innovations. It is jointly organized by EMPI, The Indian Express and India International Centre.
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