Welcome to SAFI Tools
Please click to select the Instrument:-
Attribution of Success & Failure Inventory-General (ASUFA-G)
Attribution of Success & Failure Inventory-Teachers (ASUFA-T)
Interpersonal Needs Inventory (IPNI)
Motivational Analysis of Organisations-Behaviour (MAO-B)
Motivational Analysis of Organisations-Styles (MAO-S)
Organisational Role Stress (ORS)
Personal Effectiveness Scale (PES)
Role Efficacy Scale (RES)
Transactional Styles Inventory-Managers (TSI-M)
Transactional Styles Inventory-Parents having children below 7 years of age (TSI-P1)
Transactional Styles Inventory-Parents having children of 7 to 12 years of age (TSI-P2)
Transactional Styles Inventory-Parents having children above 12 years of age (TSI-P3)
Transactional Styles Inventory-Trainers (TSI-T)
Transactional Styles Inventory-Teachers (TSI-Te)